Talks about nursing, academics, study skills, health & social care.

A Beginner's Guide for Research Nurses and Coordinators
by: Ed Carbonell
Working in clinical research can be a challenging experience, especially for beginners. Having worked as a nurse in the hospital areas for many years, I still had to learn new skill sets when I first started in clinical research. A few of these were not taught in nursing school. I hope to share what I’ve learned from experience in this book. It is intended to equip beginning research nurses and coordinators with the knowledge of what to really expect in the job.
Included in this Book:
â–ª Clinical trials – phases and terminologies
â–ª Good clinical practice
â–ª Setting-up studies
â–ª Useful sample templates for clinical trials

N Talks - Men's Shirt
T-shirt with N Talks print.
Colours available: Purple, Black, and Red Wine

N Talks - Women's Shirt
Women's shirt with N Talks print.
Colours available: Cherry, Black, and Pink

N Talks - Long Sleeve Shirt (Men)
Long Sleeve Shirt for men with N Talks & ECG tracing print
Colours available: Grey / Gray