ABCDE is an abbreviation that stands for:
A – airway
B - breathing
C - circulation
D – disabiity
E – exposure & everything else
ABCDE is a framework that is used by healthcare practitioners as a primary survey to assess patient problems and identify priorities of care. It is highly useful in emergency situations. It is also important that patients are assessed and reassessed from time to time because of the possibility that patient’s condition can change.
If the airway is compromised and obstructed, this will affect breathing which will significantly impact on proper circulation causing disability or death. An obstructed airway must be corrected first so as to allow proper breathing. The key thing to consider is that a life-threatening problem must be managed first before moving to the next part of the assessment (Resus Council UK, 2020).

Using the ABCDE framework for assessment gives the health care provider a snapshot of the presenting problems of the patient. When the situation has been stabilised and the emergent life-threatening problems have been sorted, a thorough assessment is then conducted which would include conducting a SAMPLE History (Signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history, last food taken, and events leading to the incident), a head-to-toe assessment and other assessments that the clinician may view as necessary (e.g. further diagnostic tests). But despite these further assessments, it is still important to regularly reassess the ABCDE’s because the findings could change, depending on the situation.
The management and treatment of the problems identified from ABCDE’s will be on a case-to-case basis. This could include oxygen therapy, fluid replacements, pain management, and other specific management to treat the underlying cause.
For more details on the ABCDE assessment, please check the guidelines from The Resuscitation Council UK (2015) website: https://www.resus.org.uk/library/2015-resuscitation-guidelines/abcde-approach
The ABCDE Assessment /
video by Resus Council UK (2017)
The content in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. It is always best to consult your doctor for medical questions.
If you are a healthcare provider, the content here should not be used to make any diagnosis, give advice or prescribe treatment as this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. Healthcare is an everchanging field and each patient is unique. It is your responsibility as a healthcare provider to always refer to current care standards and practices.
Resus Council UK, 2020. The ABCDE Approach. [online] Resuscitation Council UK. Available at: <https://www.resus.org.uk/library/2015-resuscitation-guidelines/abcde-approach>